Saturday, May 21, 2011


Feels good to be back! Tanja, I am still waiting for your fury on my last one :P

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

They say the time is running. But, I could never be a man of routines. I like my own pace - doing things as they come along and listening to my heart. When I get up each day I have one aim ( In addition to the "going to gym" and "waking early n fresh") - to do a little better than what I did. I start my engines and think - about the things that are to be looked forward to and the things that are going to test me today. It is mostly the second part that excites me. That's where I learn something new. In this era of honking horns and yell'ey noises - I have made up my mind to keep my smile on. What good is it to strip myself of one thing that will be under my control for sure? But, as it is said "Change is the only constant thing".

I stand aghast today. I stand aghast at the change in us - at the darkness growing inside us - at the pleasures slipping away - at the waters running out. I always think that everything should be integrated in a particular sense. I never understand why it isn't. Why we take pleasure in the headings of hate and refrain from peaceful coexistence. Has the society made us so cynical that we have adapted dog-eat-dog rule? No No, not accepted - we have made it our duty to implement the rule! We are not the victims anymore. It is not a habit of the tyrants anymore - everything is nationalized; we have become one of them. We like spitting on people who are honest and we shake hands with the profits. Influence and connections are important - socializing is a mandatory requirement - knowledge is acquired to mock others not for self - to crack exams and not to get a personal satisfaction. There is something very wrong with this world. It is a very simple concept that the things ought to be in an order; an incomprehensible confusion that they aren't. We have started enjoying looking down on people. Looking down on personal habits, appearances, financial standards or what-ever comes our way. Mocking someone gives us a sweet tinge of joy. We want the world to sympathize with us, we on the other hand do it with none.

There is a wise saying - Nobody is rewarded before time and above fate. Today, we want everything instantly. My colleague once told me a story. A story about a man in love with nature. Someone who dreamed of retiring to a beautiful, lush-green country side cottage. A place where the musicians were chirping birds and flowing waters. But alas, he was a man of haste. He didn't understand the concept of "picking fruits when they are ripe". He bought a truck load of hard work, transferred the greenery and acquired a variety. He was very happy with the results, happy flaunting the power of money and congratulating his witty brain. Within a week he was living his dream - Watering the trees and eating the fruits - enjoying the barbeques in the shade. Within a month, the trees died - the lush green beauty paving a way to squeaking sound of the wood - like a bonsai plant first shaped for our wondrous imagination - only to drop as dust instead of bearing nests.

We are living in the same era and living the same mistakes. I am feeling lost today - lost and drained. I believe people ought to be brave and honest; a confusion that they aren't. A fast paced lifestyle has stripped us of all the goodness that the mother nature bestowed upon us. Patience - Tolerance - Compassion - these are becoming just words in our dictionaries. Smiling hearts are fading in my memory, only the smile is left hanging on the faces with icy eyes. We all have acquired black hearts and golden tongues. We pat our backs for that! More and more conversations are starting off with a negative remark. The back biting is tickling our funny bone. I fail to remember the last time when I had that divine feeling of joy; the upliftment that made my heart swell. I am sorry, I don't see it. HQ, as I said last time, is still taking a dip. There is a buoyancy keeping it floating and there is a turbulence moving it up & down - the ship has sailed away long ago. I sometimes wonder if the era of the kings was much better. A soldier was required to know about fighting skills, he was expected to be the best in his field. He was never expected to know anything about pot making. Information Technology has given us the key to the Pandora's box. We need to know everything to survive. Half knowledge on democracy and full freedom has ruined us!

I believe that there is an adrenaline excitement in hunting the unknown; in passing through fierce jungles, in lighting up the darkest corners. There is an adrenaline rush and there is a fear - a fear that we are alone. There is a feeling of comfort on walking the paths; paths with people; people with faces; even though we see lunacy, a comfort never the less. We like joining hands with the forces - forces that are dark and mighty. Forces that bloom with the promises of a better lifestyle; with the treasure chests, glittering with jewels - glittering with the promises of a fast pace growth. We are running - sweating and burning - with blisters under our feet - lips dry and hearts in pain - we all are going at it! We have opened the Pandora box and let all the evil out; evil with no form but, a confirmed existence. The rush is taking away the present. And for whom? Is it really for our good? I leave it to be picked up again.

Like Oogway said "Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a gift - that's why it is called the present", let's cherish the things we are able to do. Let's enjoy our platters, be thankful and be honest. Do everything that can be done and go off to a peaceful sleep. This is the only way I know to charge myself up.

Detached and Dead!

It’s always difficult to deal with a loss. It’s tough to accept that someone beloved will no longer be around; that a significant pie...