Sunday, May 16, 2010

Special Local

Hello everyone,

I was going to share good news with all when I started writing this. Then I thought, “Why would you be so much interested that you’ll actually read a whole blog on it?”. So let me just chip in the news...I am getting a new Bike in the coming week...A Royal Enfield. Pretty excited about the whole thing I tell you, been there to the showroom thrice already since it came...even dragged a few friends to it (Now they have swore that they won’t go anywhere with me). But emotions are everywhere. This little piece you are reading is related to excitements.

Things always look so much better till you don't have them. This applies to everything - A small accessory to people. You just can’t resist the “untouchable”! Then after sometime that special something becomes a routine thing...and there we gone, Lights out. It feels very good when you think about the first times the things are done...your first game, your first appreciation, your first trip, your first night out, your first on. Everything seems so magical! After you actually are in it, you start taking everything for granted, like everything is going to be there forever.

The excitements and its ways are changing now. Today to get excited, I am supposed to go out, watch a movie, do some shopping and eat in a fine diner...that’s the way of life. My uncle was happy when he bought his first table with his money. Now he owns a posh bungalow, every excitement every feeling brick by brick. Our priorities have changed; our happiness now depends on people around us. Getting a bigger TV makes us happy now, having a good image makes us happy now, listening to praises makes us happy matter how dark we are deep in our hearts, it’s people who count. No one wants to live alone and be disliked. Everyone wants to be the gem in the eyes of people who roam the streets.

But I don’t want all this. I still remember my first cassette recording, I still smile when I remember the first time I drove a Luna, I still ring with “So?” when I remember the first time I told a girl that I liked her, I still feel magical when I remember the first time I kissed, I still want to choose people like I always have, I still kick strangers and be with my loved ones against them...I want to live like there’s no one to comment.

Special Local...In the world of people, we begin the cycle as the mysterious magician. If you screw up, you still be the magician but if you make it work you get the role of home. It’s like everyone’s out there having fun on the playground. After everyone’s gone, kid comes back home. He has a nice warm dinner waiting for him, a cosy bed upstairs and maybe even a bedtime story. It’s like a permanent structure that will be there. You have to please the people everyday but painting the home once every year seems to do the trick. Be careful though...floors do creak, pipes do leak, doors do crack, wires do do fall. Never take your happiness for granted, you’ll end up turning fire to smoke. Don’t keep waiting guys. Live like there is no tomorrow.

Take Care.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hope and Hope-less

It’s not exactly before midnight...or maybe even close to it. But, my girl is having a night out and I am not invited, so what the hell. Let me share the boredom with you guys, they say sharing helps. And well, being the blog owner has its own advantage. Kidding guys, as if a blog owner is the highest authority on earth. But I am stuck with a stupid movie list and my friend is not even online during daylight saving! She’s probably sleeping with curtains pulled. So, I came in to write the first part about the most volatile thing.

Emotions...that is one crazy sea every sailor fears to sail in. We start the talks at our yacht and we get drifted to some god forsaken island. Then we wonder how we got there and ways to get back home. Wait for help, dive in on your own...once you are at a different are pretty much done. Some lucky ones find the yacht again. Humans and emotions...It’s said that emotion and the ability to express them is what makes us human. But the connections between heart and brain, who is doing the thinking when...or is it just a way to get excuses for out indecisive and volatile thinking...I still get confused with all. We should solve the mystery someday...but not today. Last night I was wondering what makes us weaker...Hope or Fear.

Hope is a feeling that keeps us calm, it tells oneself that everything will turn out just fine. It in a way makes a person do a particular thing.

Fear on the other hand tells oneself to stay away. It makes a person “NOT” do a particular thing.

One thing I always did was to bank on hope. We keep thinking so much that everything will turn out good that we start actually believing in what is not there at present. Hope is one thing that seriously keeps us pinned to the past. One of my best friends always told me “Why do you keep standing in the middle of the road? Move to either side” and I always gave her the same reply “I am waiting to get hit”. I never could. I believed so much in hope that I lost so many wonderful things along the way. So I thought “Hey, Hope is taking all the credits! Let’s do some justice to fear too.”

You know guys; it’s very good to keep up hopes. It will hold your hand in worst times. It will always keep you motivated and energized towards the future. Nobody knows what is out there waiting for you today and fear always kills half of you on the spot. You can’t won’t go in the water. On the other hand, fear can be a blessing too. You can’t will a different way to be charming. But I believe that hope takes away one very important thing – Alternative. You will always find ways to do things differently if you fear something. But you would be stuck at one spot if you hope too much.

I was in my college when I realized that something was wrong with good old hope. There was one question I was stuck with while experimenting with alternatives; does hope give us a temporary boost while actually weakening us over the years? Should we really bank on a cheque that might come instead of getting a new job? Angels and Demons, both are powerful; both can ruin you. Why are angels good then?

Small shots of fear always keep us pinned to reality. Hope on the other hand is like a mars bar, it keeps you high till the taste is there. When it’s gone you miss it. I believe we should hope-less and look for alternatives. Make life a roller coaster ride; ups and downs have their own fun.

Twist the emotions people and let me reach a conclusion.

Take care.

Detached and Dead!

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